Graphic Era is committed to conducting cutting edge scientific research in diverse areas to advance knowledge, inform action and find solutions to critical issues in interest of the society. Novel and beneficial patent inventions and their filings are given immense focus at the university and many professors boast groundbreaking achievements.  

One such distinguished faculty who has accomplished great feats in the domain of research and development is Dr. Varij Panwar, Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun. The young and talented scientist has been granted patents by the government of India for two of his splendid inventions in accordance with the provisions of The Patents Act, 1970 for a period of 20 years.  

In 2019, Dr. Varij came up with a unique method for generation of electricity. He invented a flexible and wearable ‘metal coated Ionic Polymer Nanocomposite’ that produces electricity as a result of bodily movement. This electricity can be utilized for charging electronic components such as mobiles phones, transmitter, and receivers and thus, can be of great service to the military personnel of the nation who can wear it in high-altitude areas which lack access to electric power. Along with this, the nanocomposites can also be used to measure blood pressure, pulse rate and rhythm as well as body temperature without any need of charging. This material can survive for 10-12 years and employs Lithium salt to make the Platinum electrode.  

In 2020, Dr Varij achieved another milestone. He invented a cost effective membrane, ‘Biodegradable Ionic Polymer Membrane (IPM) from sugarcane juice that dissolves after a few months of usage. The special membrane can be utilized for purification of water, making electricity from industrial waste through bio fuel cells, electric cars, and various types of sensors. This is a significant invention since expensive commercial liquids like ionic liquid are being commonly used for this purpose. However, IPM, which employs sugarcane as its key ingredient is prepared at a cost of about 2 paise per square centimeter (a price which is expected to further decrease in case of industrial production). Notably, the membrane also has potential to prevent pollution caused by polythenes as it can be used to make biodegradable bags as well.  

After conducting months of dedicated research, Dr. Varij successfully prepared both the inventions at Graphic Era’s Polymer Sensor and Actuator Lab. The university is proud to have professors who never cease to inspire the students with their diligence and creativity.  

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