As per The Times Of India, Entrepreneurs in India grew from 471 in 2016 to 72,993 in 2022. The number of people (including youngsters) wanting to become independent and self-employed is increasing. However, what would one do with all the requisite skills without knowing how to use them? How would one achieve a desired business goal without a plan? That is when a business analyst comes to play.  

Who Is a Business Analyst? 

To meet the changing dynamics of time and cultural shifts towards an information society, a business analyst facilitates organisational transformation by comprehending and analysing business issues and presenting solutions to maximise the value to its stakeholders. 

Breaking the wall between IT and business teams in this data-driven world, a business analyst uses analytics to assess procedures, establish needs, provide data-driven solutions, and produce reports for executives and other stakeholders. 

Moreover, they ensure the appropriate usage of skills and technology to deliver new methods and alternatives. 

“With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility” 

The role of a Business Analyst must seem glamorous. However, one must be mindful that a business analyst’s work is equivalent to the mitochondria of a business. Hence, one must be aware of the responsibilities that the role carries.  

A Business Analyst must understand the intention of a business and find creative ways to surpass any hurdle a company faces. They design solutions with the development team, give input on the design of a software programme and put into practice the newly created features that a company needs. 

Furthermore, using interpersonal skills, business analysts meet stakeholders and clients regularly. During the meets, they discuss business issues and come up with needful resolutions.  

Business analysts must use user acceptability testing to verify a project’s status. They corroborate the company solutions that adhere to the needs of the clients. 

Communicating all the project findings, a business analyst creates and documents data visualisations. 

Do You Have What It Takes? 

One should possess specific skills when opting to become a business analyst. Not only should one hold a degree in the necessary subject, but they should have the following skills also. 

  • Statistics and Probability 

The abilities and competency attributes known as statistics skills enable one to utilise statistics to estimate the likelihood of a specific result. Often, statistics include several necessary skills, such as maths, computer literacy, data analysis, and critical thinking. 

A business analyst can better analyse data and make accurate predictions using statistics and probability. 

While probability aids decision-making based on the patterns found in the collected data, statistics help in past results analysis and forecasting future performance. 

  • Data Visualisation 

PRESENTATION MATTERS! Quite literally! Business analysts employ many data visualisation techniques, such as scatter plots, time series sequences, polar area diagrams, timelines, line graphs, and more. A business analyst must be skilled in using all these methods to create beautiful and thorough representations. 

  • Communication Skills 

The abilities you use when giving and receiving various types of information are known as communication skills. Examples include expressing fresh thoughts, emotions, or even an update on your project. The four communication pillars are listening, speaking, observing, and empathising. 

Business analysts should be able to communicate their thoughts and opinions to their team in a way that is both precise and straightforward. Daily meetings with clients and stakeholders are another aspect of this job, thus professionals must ensure that the clients comprehend their arguments. All of this calls for strong communication abilities. 

  • Coding Skills 

Programming skills help in writing commands in various programming languages to tell a computer, application, or software programme what to do and how to do it. 

Business analysts benefit from programming languages like Python and SQL to handle humongous data. Business analysts should also competently work on database management systems. For this, languages such as SQL help them retrieve, generate, and edit data from databases. 

Moreover, a Business Analyst  should also be proficient in the following skills as highlighted previously: 

  1. Negotiation Skills 
  1. Critical Thinking 
  1. Decision-making 
  1. Problem-solving 

Becoming A Business Analyst 

  • Take Courses 

If you want to advance in your career, certifications are beneficial. Although employers might not require uncommon credentials, having one in your expertise will help you stand out. Participate in a course that will help you gain the needed certification, technical proficiency, and experience with the many business analysis tools. 

  • Acquire Experience 

Seek out chances to participate in initiatives that will advance your BA career. Don’t worry if you’re unclear about how to advance to the position of junior business analyst; all you need to do is hone your technical and interpersonal skills, apply for a position, and perform admirably under supervision. 

  • Networking 

You may navigate the workforce, make introductions to people who could be hiring, and learn about BA possibilities that are typically not announced by building good relationships with industry mentors and peers. 

Carefully expand your network as you develop your BA skills so that it can help you as you pursue a BA profession. 

  • Portfolio 

Whenever you have used your project management abilities in another setting, you can document your work in a portfolio to demonstrate to potential employers that you have what it takes to carry out the BA’s duties. 

All The Best Future Business Analysts! 

With everything in mind, we hope you understand the roles, skills, and experience required to become a business analyst. Hone your skills and be confident in what you want to achieve. Please ensure, Communication is the key! 

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