Come summers, our bodies begin to pine for flavorful hydration and all we want to do is guzzle gallons of refreshing drinks because god knows as the temperature begins to soar high, only some sippable libations can bring a sense of respite!  

So, when in the month of May, the hot weather began to engulf the Doon Valley, Graphic Era thought of a creative way to make the most of the sizzling summer days by attempting to prepare maximum varieties of Dairy-based Beverages and by the virtue of it, earn a place in the prestigious Limca Book of Records (LBR)! 

Well, not to state the obvious but everyone knows that milk has been an integral part of our diet since the day we were born! The top ranked university of Uttarakhand decided to employ the goodness of regular milk and take the flavor quotient up by a notch! Not only this, they resolved to make a record out of it by whipping up 500+ varieties of milk based beverages! 

On 21 May, 2022 (to be precise) a team of special 16 students and faculty of the Department of Hotel Management and Hospitality, GEU led by Dr. Amar Dabral (HoD), assembled 560 varieties of milk based in span of 1hour, 15 minutes and 45 seconds, probably setting one of its kind record again! 

This astonishing attempt to be included in the prestigious Limca book of records titled “Milk Mania-Highest varieties of Dairy Based Beverages” was made in the esteemed presence of Prof. Kamal Ghanshala, Hon’ble President, Graphic Era Group and Prof. RC Pandey, Dean, Hospitality Management, GEU.  

Naturally, there was an atmosphere of jubilation and celebration in the university premises as the staff, faculty and students rejoiced the accomplishment of the milestone that was preceded by extensive planning and training. The head of the department accorded the success of the endeavor to the determination, team spirit and hard work of the entire team. 

Applauding the achievement, Prof. Kamal Ghanshala commented that the university ensures that student’s mind is exposed to right mix of theoretical knowledge and practical experience as it plays a vital role in grooming them into industry-ready professionals. 

It is noteworthy that Hotel Management department undertook this grand challenge only two weeks after the dimsum quest, in which a squad of 26 students and staff members prepared 624 varieties of dimsums in 1 hour 47 minutes! 

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