The outcome of the recently organized ‘Code Vita’ has cemented the position of Graphic Era University as an institute of national and international repute.  

In the tenth season of the annual coding contest organized by Tata Consultancy Services, five scholars of Graphic Era were listed amongst “world’s 30 top coders.” To be specific, three students from Graphic Era Deemed to be University and one each from Dehradun and Bhimtal campus of Graphic Era Hill University made it to the prestigious list. 

To put things into perspective, Code Vita’ was hailed as the biggest coding competition of the world by the Guinness Book of World Records in the past and witnessed participation of one lakh engineering students from 87 countries in 2022.  

Also, Graphic Era achieved the distinction of being the only educational group across the country whose students emerged as the top ranked coding champion even though many premier Indian institutes like IITs, NITs had also participated in the International Coding Contest. No student from any other institute in Uttarakhand was able to make it to the coveted list. 

The students who earned international acclaim with their remarkable coding skills were: Naman Sharma, Dipanshu Pandey and Sachin Badoni, students of B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering at Graphic Era Deemed University, Deepak Bijlwan, B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering students at Graphic Era Hill University Dehradun Campus and Krutik Manral of Bhimtal Campus. Aprt from them, students from USA, China, Switzerland, Taiwan, Peru, Chile stood out as top 30 coding toppers. 

The inclusion of five students of Graphic Era in the list of world’s top 30 coders induced the senior executives of TCS namely M. Kala (Campus Hiring Head of Country) and Nitin Johnson (North Region’s Campus Hiring Head) to meet Prof. (Dr.) Kamal Ghanshala, President, Graphic Era Group of Institutions, and personally express their appreciation for the victors and felicitate them with certificates. 

Prof. (Dr.) Ghanshala also congratulated the young and talented coders on setting an extra-ordinary benchmark. He commented that they have brought glory to the state and established Graphic Era’s supremacy at the international level. He also expressed his confidence that their success will inspire the youth of the nation to work hard to transform their dreams into reality.   

This achievement is another testament to Graphic Era’s commitment to provide world-class education to its students and groom them into future-leaders.  

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