The following is a list of read-worthy tips for freshers who are blazing on the exciting, thrilling and unfamiliar road of college life from someone who has also made it through to tell the tale:  

Tip 1: Do not fixate on grades too much  

Grades are often regarded as a statement of student’s caliber. However, this misconception breeds an unhealthy scenario wherein students fixate on their grades so much that they start considering it as an emblem of their self-worth. Thus, our first and the most important advice for freshers and any other person who is in the rat race of academics is not to fall for this fallacy. Yes, grades are an essential part of academic experience, but they are not everything.   

There is a possibility that a good GPA with no experience and skills will be overlooked by recruiters. This is because employers are more interested in what you can bring to the table even before you’ve joined them and, in this regard, participation in extra-curricular activities, internships, part-time jobs, and all the knowledge you’ve gained beyond the four walls of the classroom gains more importance & straight A’s become added bonus!  

Tip 2: Say yes to extra-curriculars  

Freshers, you will come across the chance to become a part of a range of extra-curricular activities that keep happening in college. Don’t miss them. Step out of your comfort zone & just go for it! Embrace it as the adventure it is!  

Dance competition, wiggle! Musical concert, sing! Cricket match, play! Cultural program, just participate! It may seem challenging at first but your future self is going to thank you later! Even if you don’t make it past auditions, you’ll have memories to cherish and lessons to learn from. Plus, how will you know if you don’t try? Who knows, this might be how you stand out on campus, meet your lifelong friend, discover what sets your soul on fire, or impress your employers a few years down the line!   

In fact, freshers, you must hit the ground running by signing up for at least one student-led club in the first month itself. Also, give your best in the fresher’s week! We can vouch for the fact that it will be one of the most memorable experiences of your life.   

And no, we are not encouraging you to compromise your sleep cycle and schoolwork. We are only asking you to make the dive for the opportunities that shall expand your horizons and foster your personal growth while striking a balance between studies and extra-curricular.  After all, neither all work and no play nor no work and all play are an ideal combo to aim for!  

Tip 3: Discount ‘first year doesn’t count’ voices.   

Dear freshers, your marks may not be a value-statement of your intelligence but that doesn’t mean you should start slacking. Be pro-active, work hard and prepare for success from the beginning itself.   

Tip 4: Understand that it is okay to not have everything together  

Some people (though few) have it all figured out at a time when others are only making sense of the new environment. It is okay because humans are not wired the same way. We all have unique paths, journeys and timelines.   

Our only advice for freshers, in this regard, is that work at your own pace and persevere. Spend your energy trying to make sure you’re not pulling yourself off track by drawing comparisons.   

Tip 5: Find a mentor  

You must associate with people outside your freshmen bubble- be it a professor, college senior, or a working adult. Not only do they offer a fresh perspective but also play an important role in your academic, professional and personal trajectories by guiding you.  

Tip 6: Do not procrastinate  

Occasional postponement is fine as long as it doesn’t become a habit but the sad thing it is usually too late when you realize it. So, freshers, save yourself from getting sucked into the vicious cycle of procrastination and stress by suppressing the urge to abuse liberties and getting little done every single day.   

Mindless copying of assignments or cramming all night for exams will weigh in on you one day or another!  

Tip 7: Step away from toxic relationships  

Dear freshers, you need not feel obligated to hang out with people who bring you down or bear the pressure to conform to a certain stereotype of college kid if you feel it is restricting your personal growth. Our advice for you, here, is that you must make room for new relationships for which you do not have to compromise with your mental well-being.   

Tip 8: Keep an eye out for unnecessary expenditure  

Catching movies in theatres, going on shopping sprees, ordering delicious snack at cafeterias, partying etc., are undoubtedly some of the best ways to kill time until one day you realize you’ve run out of money to pay the bill of photocopying notes during exams. So, freshers, balance your priorities right & manage your expenses wisely!  

Tip 9: It is never too early for career research  

Last but not the least important advice we’d like to give to freshers is that you must begin researching about what employers seek in candidates, tricks to build good resumes, potential internships to test the waters, etc. in the first year of college itself. It doesn’t matter if you’re not sure about the career you wish to pursue after graduation. The sooner you invest yourself in the process, the easier it will be for you to land the job you set your eyes upon in future.   



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