An alumnus of Graphic Era Institute of Technology (M.B.A batch 2003-2005), I started my professional journey 15 years ago as a Human Resource Executive at VGL Softech Limited. My experience in the domain of HR has been with RJ Corp.( the largest Pepsi bottlers), Panasonic, Samsung Electronics, Hewlett Packard Enterprises, and Conexant India Pvt. Limited. I have worked at Strategic HR level where my role entailed development, recommendation, and implementation of HR strategies. I also have diversified and rich experience in integrated talent acquisition and management along with other HR-related functions such as recruitment, competency mapping, employee engagement, compensation & benefits, reward management and grievance redressal. I have been instrumental in making collaborations and developing synergistic partnerships of tailored training programs for various levels including leadership development and business excellence.

I firmly believe in the mantra of continual learning and contributing towards personal & professional goals in life.  The eagerness to learn has helped me to be successful in an ever-evolving career path and I would like to carry on at the same pace till I grow old enough to sit down, have a cup of coffee with a book by my side, and enjoy the sunrise & the sunset. I would like to attribute my professional growth and success to the teachings of my alma mater and the blessings of family and elders.

I am very adventurous and like to go hiking, trekking, cycling, and trying out new forms of adventure sports. Additionally, I love contemporary music and actively participate in various social development activities.

Time Spent at GEU:
I have always had a creative streak in me and nothing else could have been a better platform than GEU (formerly GEIT) which provided me with all the possible opportunities to learn, grow, and excel in every moment spent in those premises. I was always an outgoing and enthusiastic student, and tried my best to grab every possible opportunity in academics as well as extra curriculars during my stay at GEIT. The time that I got to spend as a student on campus enabled me to experience and live some of the best years of my life. This period of 5 years not only helped me complete my academics and build the foundation to become an HR professional but also encouraged me to be a better human being, leading life with a sense of giving back to the community. During my college days, I was fortunate enough to receive extensive guidance on the personal & professional front from Honorable Dr. Kamal Ghanshala, all respected faculty members and mentors who pushed me hard enough to sharpen my saw and got me readied for the immense possibilities ahead, despite me being an average student. They made me realize my strengths & weaknesses and motivated me to hone my skills and improvise them simultaneously.

As an alumnus of GEU, I have seen the transformation of the institution and the wonderful professionals, citizens & human beings it has produced over the years. It would have not been possible without the able guidance and efforts of all the stakeholders ,who at every step directed our efforts for maximizing the output. All the stakeholders have been the building blocks and pillars of the successful entity and a great family that we are currently a part of.

Simple words:
In preparing for the future, do not leave any opportunity or stone unturned. Focus on your goal. Don’t look in any direction but ahead. Keep reinventing yourself which definitely will prepare you for the best prospects that lie ahead of you.
This is the best time of your life to learn, discover, enhance, and enjoy. Absorb every moment. You have to seek out what you want to achieve in life personally & professionally.

1 Comment

  1. Somendra NathReply

    Thanks for sharing the insight.
    This would be instrumental in grooming the upcoming batches and give them a sneak peak into the corporate HR ecosystem.
    All the best for your future endeavour!!!

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